We are passionate about our purpose.

We are always looking to improve our ministry and are focused on meeting the needs of our community. The programs we provide look to reach members of our community with compassion and open communication



The Health Fair is a yearly event to promote healthy lifestyles within the Ottawa Community. We invite different health care professionals where some provide a talk of their respective disciplines, while others have a booth where people can visit and ask questions related to their health concerns.


Our Vacation Bible School offers a week filled with lots of fun, unique ways to learn about the Bible and an opportunity to make new friends. Children ages 4 to 12 get to spend time singing songs, listening and reading Bible stories, doing skits and crafts, playing games and enjoying healthy snacks. And it’s absolutely free. However, we encourage children to bring various donations to support a special mission project which is different every year. If you want your children to increase their knowledge about Jesus, sign up for our newsletter and we will inform you about upcoming programs and events such as this. It’s also another way for older teenagers to learn and to add volunteering hours.


Our Community Family Fun Day is a way for our church to give back to the community in a simple and fun way. It is usually held at the end of June. There is no age limit, all are invited to take part. We offer free sampling of home-made food from diverse cultures from around the world. The children also get to enjoy an afternoon full of fun and games including bouncy castles, an obstacle course, a dunk tank, and a kid favorite – Ray’s Reptiles. Why don’t you come out and join us for this wonderful experience! Sign up for our newsletter and we will inform you about upcoming programs and events such as this.


We are so thankful to consistently collaborate with our local food cupboard. Many of our initiatives go towards supporting the Barrhaven food cupboard. Connect with us to find out how you can contribute!


This is a program for any individual looking to improve their mental wellness. Through a combination of lectures, activities and discussions our facilitators provide participants with tangible coping strategies related to depression, grief, relationships and more.


This initiative happens around big holidays and encourages individuals to help support local businesses all the while supporting local shelters and homes. We collect gift cards from local businesses and double the amount with our own funds. The gift cards are then passed on to the local shelters and homes.

Community Volunteer income Tax program (CVITP)

The program is there to help lower income individuals (<$30k) and families (<$50k) file their income taxes. This free service is officially supported by the CRA – Canada Revenue Agency. It is run during the income tax season by volunteers from the Nepean Seventh-day Adventist church and from the Barrhaven community. If you are eligible for this service and you would like for us to assist you with filing your income tax, sign up for our newsletter and we will inform you about upcoming programs and events such as this.

HELP I’M A PARENT: Christian Parenting in the Real World

“Help! I’m a Parent: Christian Parenting in the Real World” is a 10-week program that will inspire and encourage parents, grandparents, and caregivers on your journey as disciple-makers of your children. 
The North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church did a survey and asked parents what were the most challenging issues that they faced as they raised their children.


There is the misperception that if a couple goes to therapy or any sort of marriage seminar, it means they’re on the brink of divorce. But in reality it is a sign of strength or a vote of confidence in the relationship—that their relationship matters to them enough to work through whatever might be going on.
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