We are so thankful to consistently collaborate with our local food cupboard. Many of our initiatives go towards supporting the Barrhaven food cupboard. Connect with us to find out how you can contribute!

    • Projects

How is People Matter Project supporting the Barrhaven Food Cupboard?

During the first year of the pandemic, People Matter Project partnered with the local major grocery stores to provide the Barrhaven Food Cupboard with close to $3,000 worth of gift cards to support families in need.

People Matter Project is also partnering with the Nepean Adventist church’s Adventurers and Pathfinders Club to support the Barrhaven Food Cupboard in ways such as:

– Church members bringing donations on a weekly basis, based on a list of needs supplied from the Barrhaven Food Cupboard. Donations are then delivered to the Barrhaven Food Cupboard.

– A food drive will be held during the Spring to collect non-perishable food items from the community.

If you would like to help, please visit the Barrhaven Food Cupboard’s web site to find ways to donate to this worthy cause.

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